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Стаття про OLX

Category : test


OLX Group – одна з найбільш швидко зростаючих мереж торгових платформ у світі, ми працюємо у більш ніж 30 країнах світу.

Ми допомагаємо людям купувати та продавати автомобілі, знаходити житло, влаштовуватися на роботу, купувати та офіційний сайт OLX Group продавати товари для дому та багато іншого. Завдяки більш ніж 20 популярним місцевим брендам, включаючи OLX, OLX Autos, Otomoto та Property24, наші рішення створені, щоб бути безпечними, розумними та зручними для наших клієнтів.

У OLX Group працює команда з більш ніж 11 000 осіб, які працюють на 5 континентах в офісах по всьому світу.

Що ми робимо?

Ми любимо відкривати нові можливості для наших клієнтів. Щомісяця 322 мільйони людей використовують наші платформи, щоб легко, безпечно та зручно знайти свій ідеальний будинок, купити чи продати автомобіль, знайти відмінну роботу, продати речі, які їм більше не потрібні, або зробити велику угоду з того, що їм потрібно. І ми допомагаємо тисячам підприємців та підприємств знайти своїх клієнтів.

Ми пишаємося тим позитивним внеском, який ми вносимо до нашої планети, забезпечуючи більш свідоме споживання та допомагаючи світові максимально використовувати його обмежені ресурси за рахунок більш ефективної торгівлі.


OLX Україна

OLX — сервіс оголошень №1 в Україні.
Перше оголошення на українському сервісі було опубліковане 3 березня 2006 року – тоді майданчик працював під брендом Slando. З вересня 2014 року ресурс працює під брендом OLX.
Щомісяця українська база сервісу поповнюється більш ніж на 3 млн. нових пропозицій. У середньому нове оголошення публікується кожну секунду. Сайт входить у топ-10 найпопулярніших ресурсів серед українців за даними компанії Gemius. Кожен другий інтернет-користувач з України відвідує OLX мінімум один раз на місяць.

Заголовок статьи про ОЛХ

Category : test


OLX Group – одна з найбільш швидко зростаючих мереж торгових платформ у світі, ми працюємо у більш ніж 30 країнах світу.

Ми допомагаємо людям купувати та продавати автомобілі, знаходити житло, влаштовуватися на роботу, купувати та продавати офіційний сайт OLX Group товари для дому та багато іншого. Завдяки більш ніж 20 популярним місцевим брендам, включаючи OLX, OLX Autos, Otomoto та Property24, наші рішення створені, щоб бути безпечними, розумними та зручними для наших клієнтів.

У OLX Group працює команда з більш ніж 11 000 осіб, які працюють на 5 континентах в офісах по всьому світу.

Що ми робимо?

Ми любимо відкривати нові можливості для наших клієнтів. Щомісяця 322 мільйони людей використовують наші платформи, щоб легко, безпечно та зручно знайти свій ідеальний будинок, купити чи продати автомобіль, знайти відмінну роботу, продати речі, які їм більше не потрібні, або зробити велику угоду з того, що їм потрібно. І ми допомагаємо тисячам підприємців та підприємств знайти своїх клієнтів.

Ми пишаємося тим позитивним внеском, який ми вносимо до нашої планети, забезпечуючи більш свідоме споживання та допомагаючи світові максимально використовувати його обмежені ресурси за рахунок більш ефективної торгівлі.


test test


Category : Services


Complete denture an appliance replacing all the teeth of one jaw, as well as associated structures of the jaw.

Patients can become entirely edentulous (without teeth) for many reasons, the most prevalent being removal because of dental disease typically relating to oral flora control, i.e., periodontal disease and tooth decay. Other reasons include tooth developmental defects caused by severe malnutrition, genetic defects such as dentinogenesis imperfect a trauma, or drug use.

Complete dentures are worn by patients who are missing all of the teeth in a single arch (i.e., the maxillary (upper) or mandibular (lower) arch) or, more commonly, in both arches, upper/maxillary and lower/mandibular alike.

Dentures can help patients through:
Mastication or chewing ability is improved by replacing edentulous areas with denture teeth.
Aesthetics, because the presence of teeth gives a natural appearance to the face, and wearing a denture to replace missing teeth provides support for the lips and cheeks and corrects the collapsed appearance that results from the loss of teeth.
Pronunciation, because replacing missing teeth, especially the anteriors, enables patients to speak better. There is especially improvement in pronouncing words containing sibilants or fricatives.
Self-esteem, because improved looks and speech boost confidence in the ability to interact socially.


An implant-supported denture is a type of overdenture that is supported by and attached to implants. A regular denture rests on the gums, and is not supported by implants.

An implant-supported denture is used when a person doesn’t have any teeth in the jaw, but has enough bone in the jaw to support implants. An implant-supported denture has special attachments that snap onto attachments on the implants.

Implant-supported dentures usually are made for the lower jaw because regular dentures tend to be less stable there. Usually, a regular denture made to fit an upper jaw is quite stable on its own and doesn’t need the extra support offered by implants. However, you can receive an implant-supported denture in either the upper or lower jaw.

You should remove an implant-supported denture daily to clean the denture and gum area. Just as with regular dentures, you should not sleep with the implant-supported dentures at night. Some people prefer to have fixed (permanent) crown and bridgework in their mouths that can’t be removed. We will consider your particular needs and preferences when suggesting fixed or removable options.


Category : Services


Single sitting root canal treatment of teeth is a new advancement in dentistry, which has made dental root treatment painless, less time consuming& cost friendly. In India, the single visit root canals have become very common with the patients and dentists. In many special cases, the dentist performs the entire root canal treatment of teeth in a single sitting and that too with an antibiotic coverage for about 2-3 days depending on the type of decay and dental problems of the patient.

Root canal or endodontic treatment is done to the inside of the tooth is necessary when the pulp becomes inflamed or infected. The inflammation or infection can have a variety of causes: deep decay, repeated dental procedures on the tooth, faulty crowns, or a crack or chip in the tooth.

During root canal or endodontic treatment, the inflamed or infected pulp is removed and the inside of the tooth is carefully cleaned and disinfected, then filled and sealed with a rubber-like material called gutta-percha. Afterward, the tooth is restored with a crown or filling for protection. After restoration, the tooth continues to function like any other tooth.


Fractured teeth or grossly decayed teeth can be saved by using a post and core during the root canal treatment. A post and core (colloquially known as a “post” or “dental post”) is a type of dental restoration used either to stabilize a weakened tooth or provide an anchor for a crown.

Core placement refers to a procedure where a dentist replaces the bulk of a tooth’s missing structure in preparation for making a new dental crown. Doing so creates the optimal shape and foundation for the new restoration. A great deal of a crown’s stability depends on the amount of tooth structure that extends up into its interior. If very little tooth structure fills this space, the crown will be easily dislodged, especially by forces directed from the side. By “building up” the tooth first with a core (rebuilding the tooth so it is closer to its original dimensions), the dentist can greatly increase the stability of the crown, and therefore maximize its long-term chances for survival.


Category : Services


Teeth cleaning is part of oral hygiene and involves the removal of dental plaque from teeth with the intention of preventing cavities (dental caries), gingivitis, and periodontal disease

Teeth cleaning (also known as prophylaxis, literally a preventive treatment of a disease) is a procedure for the removal of tartar (mineralized plaque) that may develop even with careful brushing and flossing, especially in areas that are difficult to reach in routine toothbrushing. It is recommended that the teeth are professionally cleaned every six months


The bacteria cause inflammation of the gums that is called “gingivitis.” In gingivitis, the gums become red, swollen and can bleed easily. Periodontal diseases range from simple gum inflammation to serious disease that results in major damage to the soft tissue and bone that support the teeth. In the worst cases, teeth are lost.

The main goal of treatment is to control the infection. The number and types of treatment will vary, depending on the extent of the gum disease.

Flap Surgery: Surgery might be necessary if inflammation and deep pockets remain following treatment with deep cleaning and medications. This common surgery involves lifting back the gums and removing the tartar.

Bone and Tissue Grafts: In addition to flap surgery, procedures to help regenerate any bone or gum tissue lost to periodontitis can also be done. Bone grafting, in which natural or synthetic bone is placed in the area of bone loss, can help promote bone growth.


Category : Services


Dental Bridges are a combination of crowns fused to each other. They can be used as a means of replacing the teeth when Implants are not feasible.

Dental bridges literally bridge the gap created by one or more missing teeth. A bridge is made up of two or more crowns for the teeth on either side of the gap — these two or more anchoring teeth are called abutment teeth — and a false tooth/teeth in between.

2. Single Teeth Crowns

A crown is used to entirely cover or “cap” a damaged tooth. Besides strengthening a damaged tooth, a crown can be used to improve its appearance, shape or alignment.

A crown can also be placed on top of an implant to provide a tooth-like shape and structure for function. Porcelain or ceramic crowns can be matched to the color of your natural teeth. Metal crown also can be given, but aesthetically it is less appealing.

The crown protects the teeth from physical damage. It helps in chewing and keeps the teeth clean.

3. Removable Denture

A removable partial denture (RPD) is a denture for a partially edentulous patient who desires to have replacement teeth for functional or aesthetic reasons and who cannot have a bridge (a fixed partial denture) for any number of reasons, such as a lack of required teeth to serve as support for a bridge

Removable partial dentures usually consist of replacement teeth attached to pink or gum-colored plastic bases. Depending on your needs, we will design a partial denture for you. A partial denture may have a metal framework and clasps that connect to your teeth, or they can have other connectors that are more natural looking. In some cases, a removable partial denture is made to attach to your natural teeth with devices called precision attachments. Precision attachments are generally more esthetic than clasps.


Category : Services


best orthodontic treatment in BangaloreThese braces have less noticeable tooth coloured brackets made from ceramic to blend with your teeth and can be used with more discreet wires.

This treatment offers a much less visible way of precisely positioning your teeth.

With clear brackets and white veneered wires the cosmetic braces are still far less noticeable than normal metal braces, blending in with the surrounding teeth.

Treatment time ranges from as little as 12 weeks to one year

2. Dental Braces

Orthodontic treatments works by using appliances, braces and aligners to move teeth that are crooked or that do not fit together right. By fixing these problems, orthodontics can also help keep your mouth healthy.
• Teeth that are overlapping and “crowded” are be harder to clean, putting you at risk for cavities and gum disease.
• Many times the overlapping teeth cause decay in the adjacent tooth too
• Teeth that are protruding are often prone to injuries
• Spacing in between teeth leads to early bone loss, and loss of support for the teeth, they are often lost earlier
• Jaw growth discrepancies may affect the jaw joint (TMJ) causing a chronic pain or Temporo mandibular disorder (TMD)
• Teeth alignment problems cause decay, bad breath and gum disease.

So these malaligned – improperly arranged teeth can cause health problems therefore it is necessary to get them aligned and the sooner it is done the better

Teeth alignment also affect the facial appearance.

3. Lingual Braces

Lingual braces are placed behind the teeth (by the tongue and palate), rather than in front, and therefore offer a great cosmetic alternative for those who want their teeth straightened, without the braces showing.

Like traditional braces, this product works by applying gentle yet continuous pressure on the teeth, to help them slowly shift into proper position. The treatment can take anywhere from 18-36 months, depending on the severity of a patient’s overcrowding of teeth or their bite.

Braces are definitely worth the investment, but lingual braces have special requirements.

As with any orthodontic appliance, good oral hygiene is essential to ensure that gingivitis or tooth decay don’t creep in.

4. Orthodontic Retainers

Orthodontic retainers are custom-made devices, usually made of wires or clear plastic, that hold teeth in position any method of realigning teeth.

It takes time for the bone and all the tissues around your teeth to reorganise and therefore it is necessary to use retainers until your bite stabilises. In the first month after the braces are removed, the risk of relapse is very high.

There are two basic categories of removable dental retainers. They are the Essix and Hawley appliances. Essix style orthodontic appliances are also sometimes referred to as “invisible” retainers because they’re made using clear plastic. The most noticeable feature of a Hawley retainer is the bow wire that runs across the front side the patient’s teeth. The plastic body remains well hidden. Sometimes it’s constructed using plastic that has bold colors or a personalized design.


Category : Services


Tooth Extraction or tooth removal is the process of removing a tooth from its socket in the bone. Tooth Extraction is an essential procedure to help safeguard your dental health.

Prior to the extraction a local anesthetic injection will be given. This will numb the specific region and hence the patient will not experience any pain during the procedure. During a tooth extraction, you would feel pressure but no pain. If you experience mild pain or discomfort, pain relievers may be prescribed. Eat soft and cool foods for a few days.


Minor surgical procedures includes various treatments like wisdom tooth removal, cyst removal, removal of soft tissues like mucocele etc

Wisdom teeth removal: The Wisdom tooth, ( also called Third Molar ) usually do not push through the gums until the late teens or twenties. Wisdom teeth are usually the last teeth to come through the gums. In the majority of cases, there will not be enough room in the jaw for a wisdom tooth or all wisdom teeth to fully emerge. This can lead to several complications. In many cases all four wisdom teeth will need to be removed. The wisdom teeth removal commonly involves an incision to open the gum, and sometimes a small portion of the bone may need to be removed to provide access for the wisdom teeth removal. The wisdom teeth may also need to be divided into segments so it can be removed safely and easily.


Category : Services


DENTAL TRAUMA MANAGEMENTDental trauma refers to injury to the teeth and/or periodontium (gums, periodontal ligament, alveolar bone), and nearby soft tissues such as the lips, tongue, etc. Dental trauma is most common in younger people, accounting for 17% of injuries to the body in those aged 0–6 years compared to an average of 5% across all ages.

Treatment for facial trauma often involves bleeding control, reduction of swelling, prevention of infection, and repair of teeth fracture, repair of lacerations or soft tissue injury, and reconstruction. The most common causes of facial trauma are sports, accidents, penetrating injuries, and violence. Traumatic dental injuries are more common in permanent teeth compared to deciduous teeth and usually involve the front teeth of the upper jaw.


Sudden toothaches are very painful. We understand this, so we provide quick pain relief techniques to hold the pain.

Toothache is a common reason for visiting the dentist. Pain from toothache can affect the teeth and jaws. Tooth decay is a common reason for toothache, which won’t usually get better on its own.

Toothache pain can be constantly throbbing or may be set off by food or drink.

As well as tooth decay, toothache may be caused by:Tooth abscess,Tooth fracture,A damaged filling, Or Infected gums

Treatment for a toothache depends on the cause. If a cavity is causing the toothache, we can fill the cavity or possibly extract(in case of grossly decayed) the tooth, if necessary. A root canal might need to be done if the cause of the toothache is found to be an infection of the tooth’s nerve.

Branch 1

Akshaya Nagar
2nd Block, Raghavendra
Extension, Ramamurthy Nagar,
Bengaluru, Karnataka 560016

Contact Number:
098803 00793


Main Branch

Above Reliance Digital,
RM Nagar, Banaswadi,
Ring Road Signal,
Bangalore - 43

Contact Number:
0984 552 3139


Branch 2

No. 521 First Floor, 14th Cross,
Dasarahalli Main Rd,
Bhuvaneswari Nagar,
Hebbal, Bengaluru-560024

Contact Number:
098455 23139
